The Diocese of Rockville Centre Schools was filled with celebration, charity, and unforgettable moments this week! With the feast days of both St. Patrick and St. Joseph, students participated in themed lessons, solemnity celebrations, and parades.
Robustly Catholic Culture
Who is St. Joseph?
Who was the man chosen by God to raise His only Begotten Son? St. Joseph, revered as the patron saint of fathers, workers, and the Universal Church, plays a pivotal role in salvation history!
Who is St. Patrick?
St. Patrick was well known for being a leader in the movement of Christianity in Ireland, spreading the word of God to those who did not want it. Despite the hardships he faced, St. Patrick listened to God’s call for his life to get others to know God, and to spread his kingdom on Earth!
Who is St. Dominic Savio?
St. Dominic Savio was a holy soul from a young age. He impressed many with his knowledge of the Catholic Faith, his perseverance to live as Jesus did, and his hard work to become a saint and encourage others to become saints as well in the Kingdom of Heaven!
School Break, Curious Science Experiments ✝️💯👀
This week our students and teachers had well-earned break from classes to begin the season of Lent! We’ll take this opportunity to highlight the intriguing science experiments, basketball victories, family Rosaries, and service projects students engaged with before the break began. Our students entered into Lent with prayer and almsgiving as they raised money for […]
Who is St. Jacinta?
St. Jacinta was 1 of the 3 children to whom Our Lady of Fátima appeared, and she has served as an inspiration for Catholics across the world.