The Seaford Community Blood Drive Poster Contest provided an exciting opportunity for children on Long Island to showcase their artistic skills and support a worthy cause. The contest invited our students to create posters that encourage blood donation, and educate others about its importance.
By participating, St. William the Abbot School – Seaford Catholic elementary students helped raise awareness about the constant need for blood donations, inspired others to make a difference, and were able to express their creativity and contribute to their community’s health and wellbeing. SWS winners were honored at the Annual Blood Drive, hosted by the Lions Club of Seaford on Saturday, February 12th, 2023.
We are proud of our students for their involvement in the Seaford community and for representing SWS so beautifully. Congratulations to all our community-minded and talented artists!
“God, Family, and Country! St. William the Abbot School offers parents a better option for their children…the simplicity, beauty, and truth of traditional Catholic values and Catholic education!”
-St. William the Abbot School