Vocations to the priesthood and religious life are essential to the vitality of our Catholic Faith! Our Catholic schools are a place where the Church of Tomorrow can learn about vocation and become inspired to pursue what God created them for.
National Vocation Awareness Week, celebrated November 6-12, 2022, is an annual week-long celebration of the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promoting vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated life through prayer and education, and to renew our prayers and support for those who are considering one of these particular vocations.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
In addition to celebrating vocations, Long Island Catholic Schools are also celebrating the beautiful gift of some of our students receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation! Come Holy Spirit!
If you are interested in enrolling your child in any of our schools, you can find which school is closest to you. You can also find links to to featured schools beneath each photo below.
^ What a treat for Long Beach Catholic Regional School 8th grade students to get to hear from Br. Gerard Rosario DeAgnelis, O.P.!
^ Sts. Philip and James School & Academy, St. James, students were blessed to attend such a rich vocations panel!
^ Thank you for your time with Our Lady of Lourdes School, Malverne students, Fr. Jim and Deacon Greg!
^ Congratulations on your Confirmation, St. Mary School, East Islip 8th graders! What a special day in your journey of faith
^ The joy of the Lord is within you, St. Patrick School, Bay Shore students
^ Congratulations Holy Angels Regional School, Patchogue Confirmation Candidates!